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A Singapore-Japan Theatrical Collaboration: A Dramatic Depiction of the Unbroken Tradition of Washi



This theatrical work, created by inviting the renowned playwright and director CHONG Tze Chien from Singapore—an artist celebrated for his work both domestically and internationally, and increasingly active in Japan in recent years—represents a significant artistic endeavor. After conducting research with paper makers and farmers in 2018, a showcase was held in 2019. Due to the spread of COVID-19, the full performance was forced to be postponed, but it finally had its long-awaited world premiere in Kochi Prefecture in August 2024.

YPAM横浜公演 決定! 

会場   The Hall Yokohama   横浜市中区山下町112-11テックスクエア 2F

      石川町駅/みなとみらい線 横浜・中華街駅より各徒歩5分

日時   2024年12月3日(火)14時・19時 (全2回公演)

      *16時~17時半頃 「演出家TCによる俳優・演出家向けWS講座」を開催します。(定員15名程度)

上演方法 英語字幕あり

料金   一般 4800円

      YPAM参加者・学生 4000円

      応援チケット 6500円(土佐和紙のプレゼント付き)

     「演出家TCによる俳優・演出家向けWS講座」 5000円(定員15名程度/Paper鑑賞者は500円割引あり)

Director and Writer

Tze Chien Chong (チョン・ツェシエン)


シンガポールの老舗劇団ザ・ネセサリー・ステージ (TNS) での演劇スタッフ時代から演劇に真っ向から取り組み、芸術的才能を目覚めさせる。その後シンガポールを代表する人形劇団ザ フィンガー プレイヤーズに加入。


あらゆる年齢層が鑑賞できる普遍的な人形劇作品を創作し、2005 年『Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea』演出。商業的に大きな成功を収める。 また「四谷怪談」や「綾の鼓」といった日本の伝統的物語を翻案した



立本夏山(たちもと かざん)

俳優、演出家。人間劇場主宰。ゲーテ、ドストエフスキー、 アルトー、夢野久作など多くの文学作品を舞台化している。2016年アヴィニヨン演劇祭でアンジ ェリカ・リデル演出作品に出演し、その後世界各国を巡演。2023年にはイタリアでダンテの神曲・地獄篇を元にしたひとり芝居 「inferno」を上演した。2023年より金春流能楽師、山井綱雄に師事。シテ方金春流能楽師への道を歩み始めた。


井上貴子(いのうえ たかこ)




俳優。北海道出身。アメリカ・ニュージャージー州生まれ 。東京を拠点とし、舞台や映像を中心に活動している。近年より、和紙を用いたアート・インスタレーションの制作や和紙のキャラクター「ペーパーマン」によるアート・パフォーマンスも行っている。また、初監督した短編映画『Paper Thin』が六本木アートナイ ト2022オープンコール・プロジェクトにて採択される。




カナダのUniversity of Victoria 芸術学部演劇科卒業。卒業後、東京で役者として活動。2014年高知へUターンし、和紙業界の衰退を目の当たりにし、実家の工場を手伝いながら、舞台芸術を通して和紙を伝える活動を始める。​


The Hall Yokohama  

112-11, Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama  

Tex Square 2F  

5 minutes on foot from Ishikawacho Station or Minatomirai Line Yokohama / Chinatown Station


Date and Time

December 3, 2024 (Tue)  

14:00 and 19:00 (2 performances)  Door opens 30min before

*From 16:00 to 17:30, a "Workshop for Actors and Directors by Director TC" will be held. (Capacity: approximately 15 people)

English subtitles available


Ticket Prices

General: ¥4,800  

YAPM participants / Students: ¥4,000  

Supporter Ticket: ¥6,500 (includes a gift of Tosa Washi)  

"Workshop for Actors and Directors by Director TC": ¥5,000 (Capacity: approximately 15 people / ¥500 discount for Paper viewers)


Director and Writer

Tze Chien Chong  

A playwright and director from Singapore, born in 1975. He began his theatrical career at the renowned Singaporean troupe The Necessary Stage (TNS) and later joined the prestigious puppet theater company The Finger Players. Chong has created universal puppet theater works suitable for all ages, such as the commercially successful 2005 production "Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea." He has also adapted traditional Japanese stories like "Yotsuya Kaidan" and "Aya no Tsutsu" for the stage.



Kazan Tachimoto

An actor and director, founder of the Human Theater. Tachimoto has adapted many literary works for the stage, including those by Goethe, Dostoevsky, Artaud, and Kyūsaku Yumeno. He performed in Angélica Liddell's production at the Avignon Theatre Festival in 2016 and has since toured internationally. In 2023, he performed a solo play "Inferno," based on Dante's "Divine Comedy: Inferno," in Italy. He began studying under Kan'ami Tsunao, a Kan'ami style Noh actor, in 2023.


Takako Inoue

An actor who began her theatrical career with the Waseda University Theatre Club. She was a member of the theatre group "Sōsū Shimai" until 2013. Since then, she has been active as an actor and founded the theatre unit "Henteko," creating works based on fairy tales and children's literature. She focuses on performing in places where people gather, such as kindergartens, after-school clubs, and local festivals.


Keita Jimmy Hara

An actor from Hokkaido, born in New Jersey, USA. Based in Tokyo, he primarily works in stage and film. Recently, he has also been involved in art installations using washi paper and art performances featuring the washi character "Paper Man." His debut short film, "Paper Thin," was selected for the Roppongi Art Night 2022 Open Call Project.


Ayumi Hamada

Originally from Kochi, born into a family producing Tosa Washi. She graduated from the University of Victoria's Faculty of Fine Arts in Canada. After graduating, she worked as an actor in Tokyo. In 2014, she returned to Kochi, witnessed the decline of the washi industry, and began activities to promote washi through performing arts while helping out at her family's factory.



田村寛 、友草喜美枝、鹿敷製紙株式会社、黒石正種・菊野、尾崎製紙所、 十川泉貨紙、 かみこや、中井正惠、


Contributors to 2018 Research Interviews

Hiroshi Tamura, Kimiye Tomokusa, Kashiki Paper Co., Masatane and KikunoKuroishi, Osaki Paper Co., Tohkawa Senka-shi, Kamikoya, Masae Nakai, Tadayoshi Yamamoto (in no particular order)




作補佐La forêt(ラ・フォレ)




協力:鹿敷製紙(株)、尾崎製紙所、かみこや、十川泉貨紙、田村寛 、友草喜美枝、黒石正種・菊野、中井正惠、 山本忠義、高知演劇ネットワーク演会(順不同)


宣伝写真:Saulo Haruo Ohara、Nae Fukata



Paper details english


「演技」を構築する ― 演技者の表現とパフォーマンスのためのメソッド   byチョン・ツェシエン


Building “acting” -methods for actor’s delivery and performance by Chong Tze Chien
Learn and download a systematic method to help actors layer and calibrate her/his performance naturally with impact

5000円(定員15名程度/Paper鑑賞者は500円割引あり)/ 5,000 yen (approximately 15 spots available / 500 yen discount for Paper viewers)

日時:12月3日/Dec 3rd  16:00 ~ 17:30

場所: The Hall Yokohama​​


あらすじ Synopsis




Takano, a conservator by trade who specializes in the conservation of paintings and other artworks overseas, receives a request for art conservation from a museum in Norway, with the condition that high-quality Japanese paper be used for the conservation.


Relying on a business card provided by the client with the name of a Japanese paper artisan named Ishii, Takano returns to Japan after several decades and heads to the town of Ino in Kochi Prefecture. Upon arrival, he is informed that "Mr. Ishii passed away a month ago." Thus, he finds himself stepping into the realm of tradition, both past and present, represented by the art of Japanese papermaking.


販売開始 10月1日〜


①氏名 ②時間 ③券種(一般 or 学生or YPAM参加者)または応援チケットか、ワークショップ参加 ④枚数 ⑤電話番号



How to reserve

Sales Start: October 1st~


To reserve by email (payment will be made on the day):

1. Name

2. Time

3. Ticket type (General, Student, or YPAM Participant) or Supporter Ticket, or Workshop Participation

4. Number of tickets

5. Phone number  if you have 







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